Monday, November 15, 2004

Post-Election Musings

Well, thirteen days later I guess we have accepted the new [re-elected] president. Not to say that anyone I know is happy about it, there are emotions in varying degrees from "Isn't there anything else we can do? Any other challenge we can bring up?" to "Oh well, I hope four years goes fast."

It is hard to accept, particularly coming from California where so much of the populace seemed excited about Kerry, regime change, and the possibility for a different world future. So much seemed to be organized by the email sites. How could "nothing" come out of this great effort, nationwide?

Monday, November 01, 2004

Election Eve Jitters

Here we are, on the cusp of what may be the most exciting election of my lifetime! Living in California, media continually remind us that "your vote doesn't matter" in a state where John Kerry is predicted to capture all 55 electoral votes. However, I feel very strongly about always exercising my right to vote, and I also want to provide my kids the correct civic example.

This year, I think the result of the presidential election will come about if enough young people will get to the polls. Opinion polls typically only sample land lines; many twenty-year-olds only have cell phones, and therefore haven't been polled on their preference. It's already November 2 on the East Coast! Scary thought!

I wonder if anyone will get a good sleep tomorrow night???

Friday, October 08, 2004

This is my daughter Claire on her first day of school this year. Dig the flaming Converse! Posted by Hello

Here's my son Ben on his first day of middle school. Posted by Hello

Monday, September 27, 2004

Here I am with my husband John, son Ben and daughter Claire -- we are attending my cousin's wedding in Sonoma. Posted by Hello

Starting Up

In hopes of having a tool to stretch my writing skills, here I begin. I've been an avid reader all of my life, yet my hopes of becoming a professional writer or journalist were dashed upon getting my first "C" in English 1-B at Cal. Somehow, I do believe I have good writing skills and I believe that journaling is going to be helpful.