Today while killing time in the Central Library, I discovered an area of research that captivated me for the better part of an hour.
The telephone directory included an address directory by street for many years. Using the directories in the library, I was able to discover the original purchaser of our house (Wm L Schmitt and his wife Lucille). Today's concerns of privacy were not the concerns of yesteryear.
Mr. Schmitt bought our house new in 1940. He was a salesman at Capital City Chevrolet; after a few years he was noted as a mechanic at Sacramento Air Depot. I'm not sure if this was the Executive Airport or something different. By 1970, Mr. Schmitt was "ret" -- retired.
By 1975, Mr. Schmitt was not in the picture and Mrs. Lucille was listed on her own.
The next owner had a wife but several years later, the wife was listed as the homeowner. I searched for the husband's name and discovered he'd shown up at a new address with a new wife!
This was an interesting sojourn into the world of genealogy.